Trent was working on the Land Cruiser, my mom was in the shower. I was stuck wanting to learn with no subject to learn on. With no trigger and only a timer I found myself running in front of the camera. I had a great time with myself. My goal was to learn custom white balance which means nothing to some of you I know. For others, how did I do? I feel one step further to the photographer I want to be. I send my love to all.
Your White Balance looks awesome! You nailed it! The comps are really cool too. I love the one of you in the chair bent low to look into the camera. The b&w's look a little dark though and most people "paint" the texture off of the face a little more than that or drop the opacity so it's not so noticeable...not that you have to do what everyone else does, just thought I'd let you know. I'm a big "rule follower" when it comes to photography, but sometimes I feel my work suffers because of it. I have a hard time thinking outside the box and allowing myself to get really creative!
1 comment:
Your White Balance looks awesome! You nailed it! The comps are really cool too. I love the one of you in the chair bent low to look into the camera. The b&w's look a little dark though and most people "paint" the texture off of the face a little more than that or drop the opacity so it's not so noticeable...not that you have to do what everyone else does, just thought I'd let you know. I'm a big "rule follower" when it comes to photography, but sometimes I feel my work suffers because of it. I have a hard time thinking outside the box and allowing myself to get really creative!
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